The draft apprenticeship funding rules have come earlier this year, with possibly a few more headaches. How are you getting on deciphering, updating documentation and mapping to current processes?  As I compare last year to this, the calculations are an easy swap over for eSignUp as it is built very much on the model the ESFA are adopting. At a top level from August 1st 2022, eSignUp will:

  • Auto-calculate the apprenticeship duration as a proportion of the RPL hours as prescribed
  • Calculate the OTJ Training hours using the new formula of 6 hours a week less annual leave entitlement
  • Use the new funding formula for negotiated rate based on the % of prior learning and max. funding band
  • Have selectable reports on an individual basis to easily respond to breaks in learning and change of circumstances with full audit trail

But, as always if you’ve read the whole thing, the devil is in the detail and there are other changes sneaking in.  Fingers crossed that after all the changes and development work, most of the draft updates will remain and there aren’t too many new ones raising their heads!

CAROL SMITH – eSignUp Product Manager