eSpirALS is dedicated to planning, tracking and monitoring all types of support for disability, learning difficulty, mental health and any other support need.

Animated eTrackr GIF


eSpirALS is packed with features to enable you to track and closely monitor all types of support with ease, allowing you to adjust costings and report to funding bodies.

All of our products are web-based and connect to all education sector based MIS database products on the market. They pull data automatically, remain synchronised and have a collection of APIs for customers to use.  User authentication uses the customer ADFS, OpenID Connect or LDAP service.

Monitor Progress

Staff record Learning Support targets and reviews to monitor progress of supported learners.

Cost Tracking

eSpirALS allows you to create Estimate and Actual costs, facilitating easy adjustment of costs and reporting on in year changes.

EHCP learners and Reviews

Record EHCP Reviews and print reports for the local authority. 

eSpirALS Mobile

Schedule support delivery and manage staff changes. Record support notes and attendance.

Local Authority Banding

Set band values for Local Authorities.



Configurable reports & dashboards

Dashboard with graphs helping monitor all aspects of support

Monitor Progress

Report on and analyse target achievement and monitor the effectiveness of support.

eSpirALS Mobile

Using eSpirALS Mobile, support staff record notes and attendance at ALS sessions enabling you to gather meaningful evidence at the point of provision.

Cost Tracking

​eSpirALS enables you to track costs – yearly comparisons are made easy with our Date Range Definitions, allowing you to compare any date ranges you choose.

Local Authority Banding

Whether your Local Authority uses a banding system for high need learners or not, track the actual cost of support and the monies received from the LA to ensure you can balance your books.

EHCP Learners and Reviews

Track EHCP and high needs learners from application, through funding negotiations, to course completion.

Highly Configurable Reports and Dashboards

Our predefined reports include: cost forms for Local Authorities; Earnings Adjustment Statements (to assist the excess claim) and Record of Work reports (to evidence support provision). You can also create bespoke data exports.

Outstanding Support

From a team of people with a background in teaching and education, we are proud of  our outstanding customer support.

Premium Software

Our software has been crafted by a team who are passionate about the FE sector and producing top  quality software that exceeds all expectations.

Ready to find out more?

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch…