If so, have you picked up that in 2021 / 22, you should use the Earnings Adjustment Statement (EAS) for some learner support elements which you previously claimed for through a submitted funding claim?
Keeping on top of your funding claim for learning support funds can be time consuming, but it’s important to ensure you have enough funds to give your learners the support they deserve to help remove barriers to learning and ultimately see them achieve.
What is the EAS?
The EAS is a comma separated value (CSV) data collection. You can submit the EAS to record some types of funding that you cannot report in the individualised learner record (ILR).
Changes from the 2020 to 2021 guidance
The main way you complete and submit the EAS has not changed from the 2020 to 2021 funding year.
New ‘Funding Lines’ have been added to describe new procurements that have taken place for ESFA funded learning, and National Skills Fund funding lines for both ESFA and devolved funded provision.
New ‘Adjustment Types’ are added for learner support on some procured funding lines. In previous years, providers with procured contracts would be required to submit a funding claim just for these learner support elements, but this year that will no longer be required as the EAS must be used instead.
Can I claim funding for our learners?
You can claim up to £150 of learning support a month through the ILR to support the delivery of a learning aim.
You can claim Excess Learning Support through the EAS to supplement this if the cost of reasonable adjustments to deliver a learning aim exceeds £150 a month.
For example, the monthly rate of £150 for learning support in the ILR is enough to cover reasonable adjustment costs for a learning aim for each delivery month, except September when there is an extra one-off cost of £100. To claim this excess, you record £100 of excess learning support in your EAS for September.
The ‘AdjustmentType’ is a description of the type of additional funding you want to claim through your EAS that cannot otherwise by claimed on your ILR.
The following table shows which AdjustmentTypes can be claimed for each FundingLine as you should enter them in your EAS. Where multiple similar FundingLines are eligible for the same AdjustmentTypes, we have clustered them together.
FundingLines | Valid AdjustmentTypes | |
19 to 24 traineeships (2020 procurement) | excess learning support; authorised claims; learner support 19+ hardship; learner support 20+ childcare; learner support residential access fund; learner support COVID-19 response; learner support administration expenditure | |
ESFA AEB – adult skills (procured from August 2021) | excess learning support; authorised claims; Prince’s Trust; learner support 19+ hardship; learner support 20+ childcare; learner support residential access fund | |
ESFA national skills fund (procured from August 2021) | excess learning support; authorised claims; learner support 19+ hardship; learner support 20+ childcare; learner support residential access fund; learner support COVID-19 response; learner support administration expenditure |
There are also valid adjustment types for MCA / GLA procured and non-procured contracts.
Further guidance is available at:
If you would like further help on how to use the EAS, please contact holly@vlesupport.co.uk Holly Newton, Director of Operations and eSpirALS Product Manager.
For information about eSpirALS, visit www.vlesupport.co.uk/espirals