We are delighted to invite college and training provider staff to our webinar on 27th April at 1.30pm to explore the challenges – and solutions – of ensuring your apprentices are appropriately supported.
Do you manage teams of apprentice trainers and assessors?
Do you work with apprentices in Learner Support?
Do you lead an MIS Team who manage apprentices?
This webinar is designed for you. If you’d like to attend, please follow this link to register so we can send you the joining details: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUtc-2vqjwiHtV6sljGR_VaDA5DEXW_gFee
The webinar will look at:
- potential learner support requirements for apprentices;
- how to monitor and track apprentices with an ALS assessment;
- planning and supporting apprentice learning;
- how to ensure a valid, comprehensive Learner Support funding claim.
The webinar is brought to you by the team behind eSpirALS, our innovative Learning Support management solution, and is open to both existing eSpirALS customers and those who don’t already use this system.
We know that managing the learning support needs of apprentices can be a challenge, probably one exacerbated over the last year when coming on site has posed a greater challenge. (Did you catch the interesting article from The Institute of Apprenticeships recently, discussing the challenges of apprenticeships and autism? Link here if you missed it:
eSpirALS has traditionally been used to manage students but we know that it also manages apprentice learning support superbly as well. Some of the key features which make it particularly attractive are:
- The eSpirALS mobile module allows assessors/trainers easy access to record support when they are out visiting the apprentice in the workplace.
- The Earnings Adjustment Statement report makes it easy to claim the excess over the £150 per month.
- eSpirALS allows you to see all information recorded over the whole duration of the apprenticeship, even spanning academic years.
We understand that apprenticeship providers are committed to supporting their apprentices but are sometimes not sure what support can be claimed for. eSpirALS simplifies the LSF claiming process, making sure you claim all the learning support funding you are entitled to. It will also help to reduce the complexity of evidencing ALS and managing auditing requirements.
Find out more at https://espirals.co.uk/