The good news is that the funding rules for 2023/24 are available much earlier this year to give us all time to plan with version 1 just released. There are a few key changes we are planning in time for August 1st implementation.
- Initial assessment
If the employer is unable to attend the discussion, the provider must give them the opportunity to contribute and send them the relevant information after the meeting, for review and signature.
Our development response
The user will record the name of the employer contact at the initial assessment discussion, or, if not available will send a copy of the skills scan to the employer for consultation within the UI. The employer has the opportunity to review, comment and electronically return their response which is date and time stamped. The employer comments will print out on the skills scan for all three parties to sign in the normal way.
- Up to 42 days to complete the training plan.
On apprenticeship start, the signed plan must list the total volume of planned hours (for the entire apprenticeship) with additional content information being added as this becomes available.
Our development response
For 42 days after the learning start date, a padlock will be available to unlock the planned content and English and Maths. tabs only for edit. If any edits are made, the updated training plan only is sent for signature. All fully signed training plan versions are retained in the downloadable report pack.
- Progress reviews must take place at least 4 times per year, ideally every 12 weeks
Our development response
For further flexibility to plan progress reviews, you will be able to set a top-level training provider global setting for frequency of reviews in the system configuration. The global setting can be edited at programme template level so that you can have different frequencies for different standards. During recruitment, this can be edited for individual vacancies to respond to individual employer need.
- Care bursary increases to £3k from August 2023.
Our development response
A declaration regarding care bursaries will be added to the employer incentive report.
In addition to the above development, there are some minor tweaks planned in response to the new rules which you will see appearing over the next few weeks to ensure that apprentices continue to be signed up to meet the funding rules. If you have any queries regarding meeting funding rules for next academic year, please send them through the helpdesk at