You said:
“We want to be able to search and filter the candidate talent bank to correctly match the best candidates to the most appropriate vacancies”.
We acted:
We redesigned the candidate screen so that date of birth; home post code; Maths.; English and areas of interest are visible and easy to filter and sort to select appropriate candidates. Telephone numbers and emails (hyperlinks) are also visible for easy contact when suitable candidates are displayed.
You said:
“We want to be able to sign up an apprentice who has changed employer or come back from a break in learning, considering OTJ hours already completed and the funding remaining in DAS”.
We acted:
We added two new vacancy types, “change of circumstances” and “restart.” We changed process flows to accommodate OTJ hours already completed and associated funding. We implemented individual report selection so relevant paperwork could be selected for signing.
You said:
“We want to make sure that apprentices can’t start their learning until the DAS or levy funds are agreed and are in place”.
We acted:
We added a DAS cohort reference number and date field at recruitment. Documentation cannot be sent for electronic signature until these fields are completed.
You said:
“We want to be able to handle and track vacancies funded by transfer of levy funds”.
We acted:
We added a new employer type “Transferring Levy Out.” At vacancy level, “Levy Transfer” can be selected as the employer funding model and transferring out employer is available from a drop-down list. This ensures the charges schedule is calculated correctly for each apprentice.
You said:
“We want to be able to customise reports to reflect ‘us’ which go to employers and apprentices for signing”.
We acted:
We generated a free format report builder for you to add customised employer reports to be sent for signing, such as the employer Contract of Services. Candidate enrolment forms are now customisable through adding or removing data fields and we changed the Key Policies documents so you can reflect the policies in your organisation.
You said:
“We want to allow large employers, and us as the main provider an electronic, bulk paperwork signing facility to reduce the number of signatures required”.
We acted:
We wrote an electronic, bulk signature facility with a declaration that all paperwork is downloaded and checked. Feedback about the number of reports being signed is given to ensure integrity of signature.
You said:
“When we use subcontractors, we want them to electronically sign the apprentice’s training plan”.
We acted:
We introduced a subcontractors’ signing portal, so that they could view, download, and electronically sign apprentice training plans. This means subcontractors are fully aware of their obligations in the apprentices training.
You said:
“We want easier access to the data and information for productivity and reporting”.
We acted:
We recreated the screens in a grid format with access to complex filtering and sorting of data. This allows users to directly work on the data they are interested in. We added a data export button to every screen so information can be downloaded in an excel format if required.